Do you always need more wh question speech therapy activities? I love using books in my speech therapy sessions to target answering wh questions! Literacy-based sessions can be used to target any goal, are low-to-no prep, and are very engaging! Targeting wh questions can be done using any book. In this post, I’m sharing 8 of my favorite fall-themed books for targeting wh questions! The books are divided by type of question (who, what, when, where) but they all can be used for targeting mixed wh questions as well!
When doing literacy-based speech sessions, I love to pair books with my fall wh question visual bookmarks. You can grab the free fall-themed wh question visual bookmarks by entering your name, personal email, and clicking the pink button below!
Need more wh- question resources? Click the blue text to check out my fall wh question unit from one of my best-selling product lines!

1. Where Questions:
The Leaf Thief by Alice Hemming is such a fun book for fall! In this story, Squirrel is looking for a missing leaf. There are a TON of opportunities for asking wh questions, especially “where” questions for speech therapy! For example, “Where do you think the leaf is?”, “Where is the Squirrel looking?”and more!
We’re Going on A Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger is another perfect book for “where” questions! Talk about where they are going, the places they pass, and if they’re going the right way.
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert follows the journey of Leaf Man and where he goes when the wind blows! Use this book for “where” questions and describing attributes.

2. What Questions:
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves by Lucille Colando is part of the “Old Lady” series and follows an old lady who is eating a variety of objects. This book is perfect for targeting “what” questions. You can ask questions such as, “What did the old lady eat?”, “What did she make with all of the items she swallowed?”, “Why did she need hay?”, and more!
Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson is about Fletcher the fox who notices the changes happening between seasons. This book is great for asking “why” and “what” questions about the changes from summer to fall and fall to winter.

3. When Questions:
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn by Kenard Park is a story about the changes that come when Autumn is near. The story and illustrations make it easy to ask a bunch of when questions! You can talk about the differences between the seasons, when you start to notice autumn is coming, and more!

4. Who Questions:
- Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell is a fun book about a family going to a farm to pick apples and pumpkins. Incorporate “who” questions while reading this book in speech therapy by talking about “who” the girl went with, “who” grows apples and pumpkins, and more!
- The Roll Away Pumpkin by Junia Wonders follows the main character as she chases after her pumpkin. This book is perfect for asking “who” questions about the different people she sees while going after her pumpkin around town!
Don’t forget to grab my FREE fall wh question visual bookmarks! Enter you name and email below to download them now!

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